另外還有兩位同學,雖然他們是無辜的 XD。
Dodger Stadium
Wow, as a half Hsinchu resident, the ball park is Paradise!
Look at the grass in outfield!
The 4 languages on the sign seems to represent the 4 strongest baseball areas in the world - English, Spanish, Japanese, and Korean.
Whose dogs?
Japanese fans
Jimmy Rollins, a great player today
The Captain - Derek Jeter, for some reasons, I gave him the honor of MVP for this game. XD
3B, No. 4 batter, David Wright, who had a fielding error today :(
Adam Dunn, a slugger used to be Ken Griffey Jr.'s teammate. Again, not so good today :(
USA team
Oh 桑!王貞治的背影,開場前半小時他就從我旁邊兩公尺處走過,我背後的日本球迷突然尖叫起來,我以為是因為Darvish在休息室露出背影,沒想到是Oh桑的魅力啊!
As a physicist to be, optics is just one part of physics, so I finished my job by combining the binoculars and the digital camera to get the compound lens.
Nakajima, the shortstop (SS)
As a runner on 2B
A flying ball toward left field, he made a warning to LF.
At bat
The starting pitcher (SP), Matsuzaka (松阪大輔, 18)
The left fielder (LF), Aoki (青木宣親, 23)
The MLB star right fielder (RF), Ichiro (鈴木一朗, 51)
The third baseman (3B), Kawasaki 52.
Japan Dogout
The back of Darvish
The catcher, Johjima (城島健司, 2)
Timeout by JPN
The 2nd timeout
Japanese fans
Thank Joe for driving! I hope someone will be happy about the photoes, especially JPN 52's photoes.