上個學期(09 Winter)認識了些新教授,也和一些同學變得更熟識,在邁向春假前的某次作業會中,大家談論暑假的計畫,杰突然感傷地說一年級過完,大家就不能像現在這樣一起修課唸書了。Jie said he will miss Joe and all of us guys since after spring quarter we won't meet so often like we did.
Last quarter I did the grading work for Prof. Fronsdal and Prof. Holczer. They are good and interesting persons.
The first time I met Prof. Fronsdal, I asked him when I should return the graded homework, he said "As soon as possible, yesterday." I did not realize it and thought it did not make any sense because of my English. So, I asked again to make sure, and then the professor said "Yesterday, that's a joke."
Prof. Holczer is another good person. He always accepted late homework and apologized to me when he handed them to me "Sorry! Hard to say no!" When the TA wrote down "10 mins left" on the board in the mid-term, he corrected it as "10 mins right."
Josh always tried to make up a theory to explain the nature, and he found out God is in fact the "fields" in the nature.
Off, who likes StatMech, is still looking forward to eat "Dim Sum".
Jie got a car last quarter, as well as his driving liscense.
Joe has a Japanese girl friends, who likes Matsuzaka, Ichiro and Darvish, and he knows about the Asian culture. He will join CERN in the summer, what a great work!
Will is still the great EMP, and will be a plasma physics theorist.
Feng will go to Brookhaven after this quarter.
Josh is a good TA, but it is really difficult to teach Psycology students physics. So, I told him "Psycology and Physics are orthogonal." By the way, he is a Yankees fan and he tols me CM Wang will do well this year :).
7 年前