But wait! Jie suggested us to walk on the beach before sunset. Even though we were hungry, it would be better to follow QMP's suggestion. XD
Where is Off???? XD
The name of the restaurent "Bubba Gump Shrimp Company" originates from the movie "Forest Gump," which Tom Hanks played.
A large stamp on the beach. According to "who", a LA map can be printed on the beach by dragging the stamp.
Here are we guys: me, Off, Joe, Feng, and Jie.
The sunset = we can eat dinner!
My dish is "Po' Boy", a fried shrimp sandwich with French fries.
The newspaper from Green Bow Town. (電影裡小鎮-綠弓鎮出的報紙剪輯,裡頭還有阿甘橫越北美大陸、阿姆斯壯登陸月球等電影橋段,又或者說是美國近代歷史事件的新聞)